Well, as you can tell below, I’ve been a VERY bad blogger. So I’m trying to make up for it in one long post! I have been racking myself with guilt lately that I am not one of those amazing bloggers who always has something witty to say and a story to tell. But I’ve come to realize that I just can’t be that person at this time in my life. A lot of time and energy goes into blogging like that and I applaud those who can do it. Maybe someday I’ll be able to blog regularly. . .when all the kids are in school and I find myself with extra time (does that actually happen?!?!?). For the meantime, I hope you’ll take me as I am. Imperfect and trying to do my best in so many facets of my life. I guess that is what being a mom/wife is all about. 🙂

I think it’s so easy to lose grips with what this job really is for me. I get so caught up sometimes with everything else BUT the main goal, that it’s easy to lose sight of my purpose. As cliche as it sounds, I want to be that window to your soul and the person who stops time just for an instant. I look back at pictures of my “baby” (2.5 now!) and it makes me teary to think how fast this all has gone. He’s probably ready to be potty-trained and yet a piece of me mourns that I will have no more in diapers and that means there will be no more babies in our home. I can’t imagine not capturing those fleeting moments in his life, those stages that pass so fast. I love being able to do this for others. If you saw me smiling and giggling while looking through your session, you’d probably think I was nuts. But I get so involved in the emotion and joy captured, that it just makes my heart sing. That is my purpose. To give you the gift of a moment stopped in time. If your memory is anything like mine (terrible!), those moments and stages on “film” are priceless and something you can’t get back.

Enough with the rambling and on to the pictures!

First is Baby Nicolas! He was such an easy-going sweet little guy. 🙂

This gorgeous family was eager to have some photos of them all together on the beach. They were so much fun to work with and so laid-back and easy to capture.

Next comes little Alexandra who was so perfect and small. I had so much fun with her! Check out those amazing eyelashes!

This stunning family wanted some pictures of them and their gorgeous little 3-month old man, Damon. His momma looks like a super-model doesn’t she??

I’ll be showing more from these next four sessions soon hopefully!! One stunning infant, one deliciously adorable one-year old, and two photogenic seniors. How much better can it get?!?!?!

Thanks for looking and thank you to all of my wonderful, amazing clients I’ve had lately. You all rock!

