I cannot believe how FAST this summer has flown! I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and I am so not ready for school to start yet.  I am also so proud of myself for staying off of the computer as much as I possibly could while still working, which meant blogging seriously took a hiatus.  My kids sure were happy I was able to hang out with them and we’ve been doing so many fun things!  Business-wise, it’s been a SUPER busy summer and I have so many sessions I want to share, but sadly I probably won’t get to.  I am sharing one today though so hopefully it will get me on a roll to share more soon!

This beauuuuuuutiful family made the most perfect baby boy (check out his adorable lips!) who was also the perfect angel for our session. We also did his pictures while he was still in mommy’s tummy and it was at the perfect time of year when the yellow flowers were in bloom and they made for an amazing backdrop. I was in love with SO many of their images so I’m sharing a bunch (and by bunch I mean a BUNCH) from both sessions.

Isn’t she stunning? I mean seriously, who looks this great right after giving birth?


It always seems to be daddy who gets pooped or peed on! Way to take one for the team Tim!